It Is Important To Look After Yourself

It Is Important To Look After Yourself

Hi Everyone,

This is a new section on the blog that I have created to increase awareness of Women's Health.

I am a GP with a special interest in women's health. I feel this is a safe space to communicate the importance of being proactive about our health and also share insightful articles that would create or increase awareness of women's health.

Women go through major life transitions such as pregnancy, motherhood, and menopause and these can create physical and emotional stresses for women. Negative life experiences – infertility and perinatal loss, poverty, discrimination, violence, unemployment, and isolation – also impact women's mental health. With these known facts women must be able to take their health seriously, this is the reason this has been set up.

From now on, once a month, I will share an article on women's health. I chose this not just because of my keen interest in the subject area but because a huge number of my followers are women and the men have women in their lives that they can educate too.

I look forward to sharing interesting articles and please subscribe to my newsletters to stay up to date.


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